
Pre and Postnatal maternal and child healthcare



rmCare is a free software developed by Mentor as part of its Corporate Social responsiblity. The system enables HEWs to receive health education content online and allows collaboration and consultation among professionals in maternal and child healthcare. It also helps to streamline the flow of clinical information and a range of healthcare activities in the rural areas including, monitoring, automatic reminders, scheduling of appointments and referrals.

Functionalities Offered

The Ante-Natal Care (ANC) – Delivery – PNC System

Supports rural health extension workers (HEWs) who are all females and mothers, in making antenatal follow-up, starting from registering a pregnant woman up to labor, delivery and post natal care.

The Community Education Support system

helps mothers, groups of mothers, and HEWs to organize/plan outreach-training programs for women on various topics at home or in the neighborhood, to maintain readily accessible digitized versions of centrally prepared content on primary level health care, and to use flexible navigation and searching mechanisms to access digitized content.

The Family Planning System

The application is an offline data collection tool that relates to family planning. Healthcare workers can share counseling information to mothers. It also provides family planning methods, tracks