Your solution for freight management



eFOM is an end-to-end bespoke application designed and developed to support freight forwarders and logistics operators manage their operations and processes in an industry standard and customized ways. The application is a combination of the following major modules.

Functionalities Offered

SUS Consigner

Used by the source of a freight/cargo SUS Consigner helps the shipper of a cargo/freight automatically know the assigned truck for the transportation of goods and management loading of cargo/freight onto trucks.

SUS Driver

Designed to be used by a truck driver, SUS Driver application enables a driver to collect pickup orders electronically, helps track the location of freight or cargo by using a mobile GPS and manage delivery order. The app also includes functionalities which enables drivers report matters which include border crossing, accident, damage as well as truck breakage.

SUS Consignee

A consignee app that enables the receiver of goods to know the location of freight/cargo on route to its destination as well as track the delivery and unloading of goods at destination.